Welcome to our experimental on the topic of Recovery!

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Recovery is defined as:
1. "a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength"  
2. "the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost"

Our Objectives

1. Does the process of recovery always lead to "a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength?"
2. Does something get "left behind" after recovery occurs?

We will be exploring a vast array of disciplines to determine the answer to this mystery! 

To have a better understanding of our objective, watch our rendition of "The Nails in the Fence" story below!

here to read the original story.

Our Conclusion

After extensive research in a variety of fields, we can conclude that "a return to a normal state" is not always attainable. Although Lambert managed to recover from his surgery, a scar on his leg is still left behind. The reputation of Germany and Japan after World War II will remain tarnished for the remainder of our history. Drug addicts struggle to prevent relapses on a daily basis, even after overcoming their addictions. 

On the other hand, the recovery process can build an even stronger finished product. After World War II, Europe ushered in an era of peace and cooperation. Tommy John Surgery helps a damaged arm heal into an arm stronger than ever. The Biblical character of Job gained more wealth than he had prior to his intense struggles with God and Satan.

Therefore, we conclude that the dictionary definition of the word "recovery" may not be accurate. After the recovery process, nothing ever returns to the same "normal state." It can become weaker, or even stronger, but never exactly the same.